Calendar of events

All events in Saint-Maurice

Saint-Maurice enjoys numerous events to the delight of its inhabitants throughout the year.  Cultural, spiritual, sporting and popular events, whatever you choose give us the pleasure of a visit!

The Return of Richard 3 by the 9:24 train

Les Tréteaux du Parvis present "Le Retour de Richard 3 par le train de 9h24".
A play by Gilles Dyrek and directed by Léonard Arlettaz.

Stricken with an incurable disease, Pierre-Henri decides to bring his entire tribe together to renew and repair family ties. But this meeting takes all the protagonists far beyond what they had imagined.

Quiproquos and zany twists and turns follow one another, much to the delight of the audience. A settling of scores full of surprises...
Between laughter and emotion, come aboard the 9:24 train for this comedy that could well reconcile you... with your own family.

Running time: one hour and a half
Doors open: one hour before showtime

Reservations are required:
Saint-Maurice Tourisme / 024 485 40 40

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Date 22.03.2025 - 12.04.2025 chaque thursday, friday 20:30
22.03.2025 - 12.04.2025 chaque saturday 19:00
22.03.2025 - 12.04.2025 chaque sunday 17:00
Prix Adults: 25 francs / Students: 15 francs / Children: 10 francs (recommended age: over 10)
Adresse Aula de la Tuilerie
Localité 1890 St-Maurice


Site web

Saint-Maurice Tourisme

Place de la Gare 2 / CP 110
1890 Saint-Maurice / Suisse
Tél: +41 (0)24 485 40 40

14h00 to 17h00
9h00 to 12h00
14h00 to 17h00
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