Calendar of events

All events in Saint-Maurice

Saint-Maurice enjoys numerous events to the delight of its inhabitants throughout the year.  Cultural, spiritual, sporting and popular events, whatever you choose give us the pleasure of a visit!

"À nous maintenant d'ouvrir grands les yeux"

In 2025, the Fondation Ateliers d'Artiste (FAA) celebrates the centenary of Jean-Claude Hesselbarth (1925-2015) and Philippe Jaccottet (1925-2021), two major figures on the artistic and literary scene. Organized in partnership with the Centre des littératures en Suisse romande (CLSR) de l'Université de Lausanne and with the support of the BCUL, the exhibition proposes a fascinating dialogue between painting and literature.

Linked by a deep friendship, Hesselbarth and Jaccottet shared a creative life in Grignan, in the Drôme. The exhibition brings together paintings, drawings, correspondence, photographs and documentary films, illustrating their rich artistic collaboration. The archives of the FAA, the CLSR, the BCUL and private collections offer an in-depth look at this unique relationship.

- Vendredis, samedis et premiers dimanches du mois (!!) : 14h00 - 18h00

Événements autour de l'exposition
- 5 avril : Vernissage
- 10 avril : Rencontre avec José-Flore Tappy & Jil Silberstein (17h15-18h15)
- 5 juin : Projection-discussion avec Éric Burnand (film Plan Fixe sur Hesselbarth) (17h15-18h15)
- 27 juin : Présentation du podcast du studio Chahut Média sur Philippe Jaccottet (17h15-18h15)

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Date 05.04.2025 - 06.07.2025 chaque friday, saturday, sunday 14:00 - 18:00
Prix Gratuit
Adresse Fondation Ateliers d'artiste
Localité 1890 St-Maurice


Site web

Saint-Maurice Tourisme

Place de la Gare 2 / CP 110
1890 Saint-Maurice / Suisse
Tél: +41 (0)24 485 40 40

14h00 to 17h00
9h00 to 12h00
14h00 to 17h00
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