Camping du Bois-Noir

In the heart of the Bois-Noir Nature Reserve

Property of St-Maurice Bourgeoisie, the Bois-Noir camp occupies 30'000 m2 in the middle of a big pinewood.

This season camp is open from 1st April to 31 october and offers 105 places ; 62 places are amenable, while the others are reserved for short during campers. Every place has a confortable surface, between 110 and 120 m2.

Entierly renoved in 2006, it offers every equipment of a modern camp.

Route Cantonale 7
1890 Saint-Maurice
079 321 99 21



Saint-Maurice Tourisme

Place de la Gare 2 / CP 110
1890 Saint-Maurice / Suisse
Tél: +41 (0)24 485 40 40

14h00 to 17h00
9h00 to 12h00
14h00 to 17h00
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